Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Years Commitment

Before I officially decided on not eating sugar for 6 months as my 2013 new years resolution I talked to my mom about it and she gave me some advice. She told me I should look at it as a new years commitment instead of resolution. What I've learned so far in this process is that this is more of a lifestyle change than anything because now it's becoming normal for me to choose the healthy alternatives and to not have the "every so often"  dessert after dinner anymore.

WEEKEND #2 (DAY: 11/12/13)

The idea of writing the entirety of my weekend in detail while stringing along my daily intake seems extremely excessive and quite frankly boring to me. So I will do my best to keep things short and sweet. (hahah get it)
This weekend I auditioned for my theatre group's winter production of Footloose, so to say that my eating habits were off would be an understatement. I accidentally skipped some meals,  enjoyed others with good friends and conversations, a couple with my family, and some by myself. No matter which setting I was put in it became more and more obvious to me that this decision to not eat sugar really isn't that difficult. There are many ways to avoid eating sugar while still enjoying a "sweet tasting" treat. Considering where I am now, all of the whining and complaining about this diet being so difficult seems to have been such  fleeting problem when really, in the moment it seemed as if I wouldn't be able to ever get past the cravings. I guess if you put your mind to something you can actually do it. 

(I don't have any photos to share so here's a video of my two friends, Winter and Kate eating a ball of wasabi when we went out to sushi this weekend)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Work work and more work

It is just me or does it always seem that no matter how much work you complete there is always something else to be done? I swear there aren't enough hours in the day.

DAY 10:

In the morning my mom once again didn't fail to bring me up yet another bowl of oatmeal for breakfast because she is convinced that a warm meal in the morning is the cure to my soar throat. Gotta love a caring mother despite her superstitions.
I don't have a first period class so I got to school today around 9:50 and by the end of that class period I was feeling even worse than when I woke up so I decided to get called out and come home. I'm not sure if it's the cloudy weather or my cold but regardless all I was motivated to do was make a cup of tea, sit in my room and read. Unfortunately my schedule for the day didn't agree with that want. Once I came home from my long two hour school day I made myself a bowl of lentil soup with spinach and a cup of tea.


By the time I got home from all the shenanigans I had to do today homework was the next item on my agenda to conquer. Luckily I was able to finish it was by the strike of 11 o'clock. Throughout my studying my mom offered to make me dinner. So she brought up to my room a chicken quesadilla on wheat tortillas and a bowl of apples with another warm cup of throat coat tea, whatta saint. 
Aside from all of my complaining I do have to say that I have almost forgotten that I am not eating sugar. I guess the saying that things get easier with time applies quite effectively in my case. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sleep deprived

It's truly amazing to see how much sleep can actually effect you and your body. I'm guessing that my lack of sleep from break must have contributed some what to me getting sick. 
The amount of sleep can really make you not motivated to do anything so, as much as I would love to write a detailed description of my day, I'm going to go with the motto that less is more for today.

DAY 9:

My alarm woke me up bright and early around 6 this morning. But the time that I actually mustered up the energy to get out of my warm and comfy bed began more around 6:30ish. My mother brought up a warm bowl of oatmeal which has been a little repetitive within the last few days, but the warmth seems to be aiding to my soar throat. And I need all the help I can get.

After school today I was scheduled for a couple of doctors appointments so I didn't get to have my lunch until later around 4:30. I guess that could be considered a linner (lunch/dinner)? Either way I enjoyed, again, a healthmex chicken burrito on a whole grain tortilla

Despite the cold I'm trying to kick I decided to still go to a bible study that's run by one of my good friend's mom. We all go to their house, eat dinner, and learn about the Word. We had a really interesting conversation tonight about the different  characteristics a wife and husband should have in a marriage according to the Bible. Very thought provoking. Although it's not going to be a long while until I get married, it allowed me time to evaluate myself on who I am as a person up until this point in my life. I came to the conclusion that I don't have it all figured out but, the kind of woman that Proverbs 31 talks about seems like a good place to start.

(Summary of Proverbs 31)

I came home tonight and had a small snack of boiled green beans and tea, once again. Another day down, many more to come.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sick day

It always seems as though sickness loves to hit me at the most  perfect of times. This past weekend I started to feel a little congested, nothing too serious. But late last night, it really hit me. Not only do CYT classes start up this week (today) but auditions for our winter show, Footloose, are at the end of the week on Friday. 
Just my luck...
So, sorry for not blogging last night but I'll combine yesterday and todays progress to make up for it :)

DAY 7/8: 

We have successfully made it through one whole week without sugar or white flour! The cravings and withdrawals have died down a lot which is definitely a positive but I think I need to get more creative in my choices of what I eat at each meal because I know I can only take eating oatmeal at breakfast for so long. Speaking of oatmeal that's what I had yesterday for breakfast and when I came home from school I made myself a turkey panini with a side of raspberries

(In the middle of eating my sandwich I remembered how I wanted to take a picture of it for this blog. So please excuse the bit marks)

That night I  was down in Pacific Beach to go to a meeting for this new job I am starting that brings theatre to after school programs to elementary, middle, and high schools; it's called CYT @ school. Since we were in PB we had to go get sushi, which was absolutely delicious. 

While trying to fight off this cold there hasn't been anything more soothing than to have a warm cup of tea. So I have been drinking at least two cups per day. Did I turn my coffee addiction into a tea one? Probably.  

(Green tea)

Today I woke up feeling as if a car had run over my face, metaphorically. I had a huge headache, congested sinus's, and no appetite at all. So all I had for breakfast was tea and a green apple. But later in the day I left school early and by that time I was hungry for a lunch. Once again I had a turkey sandwich and also a handful of peanuts for a snack. As I said up above, my CYT class started tonight but before I got there my friend Kate and I got wheat grass shots from Jamba Juice! A semi tradition we started last year consisting of getting wheat grass when we had CYT classes. It's one of the strangest tastes you will ever experience (it tastes exactly how it smells) but, it's extremely healthy for you!

(2 oz. of wheat grass and a slice of orange to distract your taste buds from the wheatgrass flavor and leaving your mouth tasting sweet)

Once I got home from class I hadn't eaten dinner yet so my dad  offered to make me a plate of roasted chicken, couscous, and a side of caesar salad for dinner. Which I gladly accepted. Now I'm finishing the night with another cup of throat coat tea while listening to some good music. I wish every night could be this relaxing. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Last day of break

Well tomorrow we go back to reality aka homework, tests, quizzes, due dates, etc. Oh boy, here we go...

DAY 6:

[I apologize in advance for this blog. I've been doing homework since three in the afternoon and I'm not sure how much more creative juice my brain is able to squeeze out before I pass out  for the night.]
On the bright side, I was able to enjoy really nice company for the beginning of the day when I attended a church service with my family at 9 o'clock and then another at 10 o'clock. I was able to see smiling faces, laugh & relax, and take a breather before the much anticipated work I knew was ahead of me. Since I was running a tab behind schedule this morning I didn't have time to eat breakfast. But, after the second church service I was able to go out to Which Wich and have a bean patty sandwich on whole wheat bread with spinach, cucumbers, avocado, banana peppers, pesto, jack cheese, and ice burg lettuce. I know what you're thinking, "what an odd combination"
but don't underestimate it, I can vouch for it being a flavorful and healthy lunch. 
For dinner my dad made his famous tri tip with a side of caesar salad, green beans, and a small wheat roll

(I didn't end up taking any pictures of my meals today but enjoy this one of my friend feeding birds a piece of bread!)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Easier said than done

Being at home all day long makes this diet 10x harder because although you may be preoccupied with other duties, in the back of your head you know that your pantry filled with left over Christmas treats is only a few steps away.

DAY 5:

Today I was helping my brother with a photo shoot he was having at out house to raise money for CYT's (Christian Youth Theatre) improv team, which I'm apart of. The money fundraised goes to our team's trip to Virginia this summer to compete against other CYT improv teams around the nation at what they call "Improvathon". Anywho, I managed to have breakfast earlier than usual around 10 today which was a bowl of oatmeal topped with a 1/4 of a cup of peanuts.


Once the last appointment was over with I decided it was time for lunch. So, I made an open face turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a tall glass of water. I also had the small portion of the left over Clemmy's from last night that was sitting in our freezer. I couldn't let that go to waste.
Tonight my parents also decided that it was "date night" for the two of them so they left me and my brother home so I could finish my homework, which I have not procrastinated at all. On the bright side I was able to have my parents left over chicken and vegetable stir fry thai food from last night and a warm cup of throat coat tea to soothe my soar throat.

(Dinner for one)


Friday, January 4, 2013

One of those days.

You know those moments in your life when you have such a long "to do" list that all you can do is procrastinate it and accomplish nothing. Well, my whole day mirrored that mindset. There is currently a pestering pile of homework laying in my room and it wasn't until today that I took a moment to sit down and realize what I actually have to finish before school starts up again on Monday. Let's just say to put my "to do" list into words, overwhelming would be an understatement

DAY 4:

I dragged myself out of bed bright and early around noon today. Now I know what your thinking
"Wow second day in a row that she's slept in until 12"
but you see, some how sleep, warm sheets, and comfy pillows seem a lot more appealing to me than getting up and ready for the day. Luckily, I didn't have to make my own breakfast this morning because my mom did it for me. She made me delicious egg whites on top of one piece of whole grain bread
Today my mom and I finally got around to our return Christmas shopping at a near by shopping center, the Forum. By the time we were done I was in the mood for Mexican food so we drove by Rubio's to pick up another healthy chicken burrito on a whole grain tortilla
When we got home that's when my mom advised me to take a look at the things I needed to finish before this week was over...what a terrible idea. But, the thai food from Thai Pan that my dad brought home for dinner made up for it. I had beef satay, hand rolls, and a small portion of chocolate Clemmy's. So delicious. 

(This is a picture of the Thai restaurant my dad got our dinner at, everyone should go here to eat)